

成立于2000年, 联合中心 was the first dedicated joint replacement center in the Pacific Northwest with more than 20,000年时尚, 膝关节和肩部置换手术. 被誉为最佳实践的典范, 联合中心 is led by nationally recognized surgeons in joint procedures, 机器人关节置换, 种植体设计与研究, in partnership with VMC's team of specialized joint replacement nurses and therapists.

Orthopedic surgeons and specialists treat muscle or tendon strains and sprains, 骨折, 关节炎, joint replacement and other joint and spine conditions:

  • 膝关节置换
  • 髋关节置换手术
  • 肩膀替换
  • 脊柱
  • 肩膀 & 肘
  • 手 & 手腕
  • 脚 & 脚踝

These doctors coordinate your care with other physicians, 包括家庭实践, 内科医学, 普通外科医生, 放射科医生, and other subspecialties for comprehensive coverage. 


Traditional total joint replacement surgery is one of the most reliable and cost-effective surgical procedures in modern medicine. 这些年来,它有了显著的改善, 切口更小, 缩短了恢复时间,改善了治疗效果.

In 2021, Valley gained the distinction of being the first hospital in the U.S. 安装VELYS机器人辅助解决方案, 一个创新, new tool for surgeons performing total knee replacement. 威廉·巴雷特, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon and Medical Director of Valley’s 联合 Center explains, “Over 20 years ago we started Washington’s first 联合 Center right here at Valley with the goal of improving care for patients who need total joint replacement. This is an exciting next step in that journey to innovate care even further.”

VELYS is particularly advanced in its ability to help surgeons precisely plan surgery tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy. It allows the surgical team to more accurately visualize and predict joint stability for the patient’s natural frame with the ultimate goal of providing the best fit possible for enhanced patient outcomes. 了解 this exciting, game changing technology today.  作为联合中心医疗主任 威廉·巴雷特, MD, takes time out on delivery day to unload the new "kneebot" and explain why it's such a game changer.


Although robotic knee replacement is not indicated for all patients, there are many benefits that positively impact patients where it is indicated: better accuracy, 良好的种植体对准, 更有效的护理和强有力的结果. 了解 Dr. 巴雷特的最初经历 after the first few months of robotic knee replacement at Valley.

根据您的健康史和个人需求, your surgeon talked with you about a plan to go 首页 either on the day of surgery or after an overnight stay. 给那些手术当天要回家的人, you are able to head 首页 once you have been cleared by physical therapy and are medically stable. 这通常发生在手术后的几个小时. Those staying overnight are usually ready to head 首页 after breakfast. 

The discharge planning process actually begins before your surgery. Plan to have someone drive you 首页 after surgery and to your first few appointments after surgery. You will need help for your first 5 – 7 days at 首页. Before your surgery, arrange for help at 首页 or a place to stay. Your nurse will give you written instructions on how to care for yourself at 首页 and will answer any questions. Some patients may need care care in a skilled nursing facility before going 首页. If you need to be cared for in a skilled nursing facility before going 首页, 医疗保险的网站可以帮你找到一个*:

Research and compare Medicaid and Medicare-certified skilled nursing facilities  


*医疗保险列出的设施.gov are neither owned nor operated by 博彩平台大全. We advise that you carefully research before selecting a facility.


博彩平台大全 provides outpatient therapy services when you need it,包括 physical therapy and occupational therapy. 了解更多关于 门诊治疗服务

Before replacement surgery, you will need to watch this online, pre-surgery seminar. This 30-minute video provides the education and information needed for a smooth transition from surgery to 首页.

Topics include tips on how to get your 首页 ready for your arrival after surgery, 为去医院做准备, what to expect afterward and what you need to plan for when you go 首页. Family members or other caregivers helping you are encouraged to watch the video as well.



顶级关节置换中心, 博彩平台大全 has created a program led by Medical Director, 威廉·巴雷特, 整形外科医生, that our patients and community are proud to call theirs. Valley took a giant leap forward with the introduction of 机器人全膝关节置换术 offering faster recovery and superior precision allowing the surgical team to more accurately visualize and predict joint stability for the patient's natural frame with the ultimate goal of providing the best fit possible for enhanced patient outcomes. Valley的外科团队提供 微创关节置换术,包括 前路髋关节置换术



David, a lifelong athlete, has had four joint replacements at Valley—two knees, a hip and a shoulder. He’s getting back into shape again now that he’s able to be active and pain-free.



联合 & 脊柱中心
