Infusion & Immunotherapy Center

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What to Expect at the Infusion Center

输注疗法是一种有效的给药方式,病人不能有效地治疗口服药物.  我们认可的输注和免疫治疗中心位于博彩平台大全(3B)的主楼,提供各种癌症治疗, dehydration, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches and other conditions requiring infusion therapy. Depending on what type of infusion you receive, 你在输液和免疫治疗中心的停留时间可能短至30分钟,也可能长达12个小时. 我们的专职药剂师和注册护士(RNs)监督治疗的交付:我们的目标是让您在我们这里度过尽可能舒适的时光, while providing you with safe, quality and compassionate care.

Chemotherapy & Other Services

Our Team Approach to Chemotherapy:

我们采取多学科方法为每位患者制定个性化的治疗计划. If chemotherapy is part of your treatment plan:

  • 你的肿瘤科医生(癌症医生)会为你开出合适的化疗药物来治疗你的特定癌症状况. 治疗的频率和时间长短取决于你的具体药物和剂量, and your oncologist will discuss your treatment plan with you.
  • 我们的药房专家专门为您的个人需求准备药物.
  • Our oncology nurses, 他们中的大多数都获得了肿瘤护理协会的全国认证, administer your chemotherapy treatments at our infusion clinics.


  • Blood and blood product transfusions
  • Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
  • Catheter maintenance and education
  • IV antibiotics and hydration
  • Therapeutic phlebotomy
  • Targeted biotherapy

Before Your Appointment

All procedures require pre-authorization from your insurance company, 2-14 days in advance of your scheduled treatment. 一旦我们获得您的治疗授权,您将收到我们的患者访问助理的电话.

请期待在您预定的治疗之前自动提醒您确认您的预约. 如果您需要取消或重新安排您的治疗,请在预约前至少48小时致电我们.

  • 至少提前一天做化验可以缩短你的治疗时间.
  • If your lab tests are drawn on the day of your treatment, it may take 30 minutes to 1 hour to receive the results.
  • In many cases, 在你准备好药物之前,你的护士必须把结果报告给你的医生. Sometimes, treatment may be postponed based on your lab results.

  • Unless directed otherwise by your physician, 输液前一天请多喝水. Consider bringing personal diversions: books, magazines, laptops, iPads, iPods, and cell phones are good choices. 如果您想欣赏音乐或娱乐,请随身携带耳机.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing with access to your arms. If you have a port, staff will need to access your chest. Temperatures fluctuate in the Infusion and Immunotherapy Center, so please dress comfortably and consider dressing in layers. Warmed blankets are always available if you are chilly.
  • You are welcome to bring snacks or a sack lunch. We encourage foods with little or no odor. Trendz咖啡馆在输液和免疫治疗中心的大厅对面,每天营业, 7 AM – 7 PM, for meals, snacks and beverages.

During & After Your Infusion Treatment

  • Free, permit-required, 输液和免疫治疗中心预留的自助停车位位于主医院前面的A地块. 输液和免疫治疗中心将向有需要的人发放停车许可证.
  • For other parking options, please visit our maps page.
  • 为了方便起见,博彩平台大全肿瘤医院之间有免费班车 & Hematology Clinic and the hospital’s main entrance. 任何地点的办公室工作人员都可以帮助您拨打班车.

因为输注药物的给药时间不同,输注和免疫治疗中心根据预期的输注时间安排患者, it is important for you to be on time for your appointment. Kiosks are available for easy check-in. Once you have completed checking in, 请穿过两扇门到前台领取您的腕带.

After checking in, you will be escorted to your treatment room. 房间里有存放个人物品的地方,还有一间公用浴室. 护士会检查你的血压、身高、体重和病史.

  • Semi-private rooms, many with pleasant courtyard and garden views
  • TV in each room
  • Free WiFi internet access
  • Pillows and warmed blankets
  • Light snacks and beverages available upon request. 如果您在治疗期间想吃东西,请携带零食和/或袋装午餐.
  • 免费翻译服务-如果您在输液过程中需要翻译,请告诉我们.

  • 药房会按照医生的要求为你准备治疗药物. 为了达到最大的效果,这些药物只能在你到达后准备.
  • Medication preparation time may take up to 1 hour.

  • 治疗前服药前:医生可能会给你开一些预防恶心或焦虑的药. This may take about 30 minutes.
  • 您的总治疗时间将根据您接受的治疗方案的类型而有所不同.
  • 你的护士会估计你的治疗时间.

We strive to keep our infusion spaces a healing environment. As such, we have limited space for visitors. Only one visitor is allowed per patient. 因为在输液和免疫治疗中心使用危险药物, children 12 years and younger are not allowed in the infusion rooms.

注射和免疫治疗中心遵守博彩平台大全关于动物的政策. 只有服务性动物才被允许进入博彩平台大全对公众开放的区域, 除非在病人或其他病人的治疗会因服务性动物的存在而受到影响的空间.

服务性动物可以陪同个人进入门诊护理区的等候室. 如果服务性动物的存在影响到病人的治疗,服务性动物将不被允许进入门诊护理区的治疗室.

Please call us at 425.228.3440 if you have any questions about bringing your service animal.

请公开和诚实地告诉工作人员你的治疗是如何进行的,以及你的感受. You will find that you will have good days and bad days. We are here for you and your care. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your medical team. 

在输液和免疫治疗中心,你可能有很多问题. Please discuss any questions with your infusion nurse. If they are not able to answer your question, 它将被转发给适当的工作人员或医生,以便尽快得到答复. If a concern arises at home, please call us at 425.228.3440 or write it down to ask at your next appointment.

治疗结束时,请安排专人陪同. At the time of your discharge, 您的护士会向您和您的陪同人员提供有关您的治疗和出院指示的重要信息. 如果你在治疗过程中服用了帮助你放松的药物(镇静剂), you will be required to have a responsible person drive you home. 

Service Location

Infusion & Immunotherapy Center

Main Hospital, 3rd Floor
400 South 43rd Street
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.656.4037 Fax 425.690.9075